Categories: Practice Datasets

The dataset contains one sheet named “Sheet1.”

The dataset includes the following columns:

  1. InvoiceNo: Unique invoice identifier.
  2. StockCode: Item code for the products.
  3. Description: Product descriptions.
  4. Quantity: Quantity of each item purchased.
  5. InvoiceDate: Date and time of the transaction.
  6. UnitPrice: Price per unit of the product.
  7. CustomerID: Identifier for the customer.
  8. Country: Country where the transaction occurred.

Get the dataset here :

Power BI Dashboard Ideas

Here are some dashboard ideas based on the dataset:

1. Sales Overview Dashboard

  • Total Revenue: Quantity * UnitPrice
  • Total Transactions: Count of InvoiceNo
  • Total Customers: Count of unique CustomerID
  • Revenue by Country: Bar chart or map visualization showing revenue distribution.
  • Daily Sales Trends: Line chart of revenue over time (InvoiceDate).

2. Customer Analysis Dashboard

  • Top 10 Customers by Revenue.
  • Average Basket Size: Average Quantity per InvoiceNo.
  • Customer Retention: Count of repeated CustomerID across time periods.
  • Country-Wise Customer Distribution.

3. Product Performance Dashboard

  • Top-Selling Products: Bar chart of Description by Quantity.
  • Revenue by Product: Bar chart of Description by revenue.
  • Average Price per Product: Average UnitPrice for each Description.
  • Product Performance by Country: Matrix showing Description vs. Country.

4. Time-Based Analysis

  • Hourly Sales Trends: Line chart showing sales trends by hour (from InvoiceDate).
  • Monthly or Weekly Revenue Trends: Aggregated view of revenue over time.
  • Peak Sales Times: Identify the hours or days with the highest transactions.

5. Geographic Dashboard

  • Revenue by Country: Interactive map visualization.
  • Top Products by Country: Bar chart split by country.

6. Profit Analysis Dashboard (If Profit Data is Available)

  • Gross Margin: (Selling Price – Cost of Goods Sold).
  • Profit by Country or Product.
  • Profit Trends Over Time.

To calculate Average Basket Size (Average Quantity per InvoiceNo) in Power BI using DAX, follow these steps:


  1. Open your Power BI report and load the dataset.
  2. Create a new Measure for Average Basket Size using the following DAX formula:
AverageBasketSize = 


  • VALUES('TableName'[InvoiceNo]): Retrieves all unique InvoiceNo values (i.e., individual transactions).
  • SUM('TableName'[Quantity]): Calculates the total quantity for each InvoiceNo.
  • AVERAGEX: Takes the average of the sums across all unique invoices.


This measure calculates the average number of items purchased per invoice.


If you have:


Step-by-step calculation:

  1. Total quantity per InvoiceNo:
    • Invoice 1: 10 + 5 = 15
    • Invoice 2: 8
  2. Average Basket Size:
    • (15 + 8) / 2 = 11.5