Categories: Power BI / Practice Datasets

Dashboard Purpose:

The dataset will be for a Sales Performance Dashboard, helping businesses analyze revenue trends, customer demographics, and product performance. This will be useful for tracking sales growth, identifying top-selling products, and understanding regional sales distribution.

Dataset :

Dataset Columns Explanation:

  1. Order ID – Unique identifier for each order.
  2. Order Date – Date when the order was placed.
  3. Customer ID – Unique identifier for each customer.
  4. Customer Name – Name of the customer.
  5. Region – The geographic region where the sale occurred.
  6. Product Category – The category of the product (e.g., Electronics, Furniture, Clothing).
  7. Product Name – The specific product sold.
  8. Quantity Sold – Number of units sold in the order.
  9. Unit Price – Price per unit of the product.
  10. Total Sales – Calculated as Quantity Sold * Unit Price.
  11. Profit Margin (%) – The profit percentage for the sale.
  12. Profit Amount – Profit earned per order.
  13. Payment Method – Mode of payment (Credit Card, PayPal, Cash, etc.).
  14. Order Status – Status of the order (Completed, Pending, Canceled).
  15. Customer Segment – Type of customer (Retail, Corporate, Wholesale).