This dataset will be for a Human Resources (HR) Employee Performance Dashboard, helping organizations analyze employee performance, attendance, and satisfaction. The dashboard can assist HR teams in tracking key metrics such as working hours, performance ratings, training participation, and salary distribution.
This HR Employees Satisfaction Analysis Dashboard in Power BI provides insights into employee satisfaction, experience, remote work, salary, training hours, and demographic breakdowns. It uses various visual elements such as bar charts, pie charts, maps, and KPIs to present key metrics.
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Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) at the Top:
- Count of Employees: 300
- Average Experience: 4.68 years
- Average Job Satisfaction Score: 5.62
- Average Remote Work (%): 51.95%
- Average Salary ($): 7.53K
- Total Training Hours: 15K
Visualizations & Insights:
- Avg Job Satisfaction Score by Department (Bar Chart)
- Displays job satisfaction scores across departments.
- Marketing has the highest satisfaction (6.34), while Finance has the lowest (5.11).
- Top 5 Roles by Job Satisfaction (Bar Chart)
- Shows job roles with highest satisfaction along with salary levels.
- Content roles have the highest satisfaction score (~7.55).
- Avg Job Satisfaction Score by Work Location (Map)
- Displays employee satisfaction in different locations.
- Key locations: Seattle, San Francisco, New York, Chicago, Austin.
- Age Group-wise Job Satisfaction Score (Stacked Bar Chart)
- Compares satisfaction categories (High, Medium, Low) across age groups.
- Shows salary distribution with employee count.
- Avg Job Satisfaction Score by Gender (Pie Chart)
- Breakdown: Male (33.34%), Female (33.85%), Other (32.75%).
- Female employees report slightly higher satisfaction.
- Avg Training Hours by Satisfaction Category (Pie Chart)
- High satisfaction employees received ~52.07 hours of training.
- Medium and low satisfaction employees received slightly lower training.
- Avg of Remote Work (%) by Satisfaction Category (Bar Chart)
- High satisfaction employees have the highest remote work percentage (53.36%).
- Job Satisfaction by Avg Salary and Experience (Scatter Plot)
- Compares satisfaction levels across salary and experience.
- Shows salary distribution across high, medium, and low satisfaction.
- Avg Job Satisfaction by Promotion Status (Pie Chart)
- Compares satisfaction of promoted vs. non-promoted employees.
- Promoted employees show slightly higher satisfaction (5.63 vs. 5.60).
Interactivity Features:
- Department & Job Role Filters: Allows users to analyze specific departments or job roles.
- Dynamic Charts & Visuals: All charts update based on selected filters.
This Power BI dashboard provides a comprehensive overview of employee satisfaction factors, helping HR teams make data-driven decisions to improve employee experience, training, salary structures, and remote work policies.
Dataset Columns Explanation:
- Employee ID – Unique identifier for each employee.
- Employee Name – Name of the employee.
- Department – Department where the employee works (HR, IT, Sales, Marketing, Finance, Operations).
- Job Role – Employee’s job title (e.g., Manager, Analyst, Engineer, Sales Executive).
- Joining Date – Date when the employee joined the company.
- Experience (Years) – Total years of experience.
- Age – Employee’s age.
- Gender – Gender of the employee (Male, Female, Other).
- Work Location – City where the employee is working.
- Working Hours (Per Week) – Average hours worked in a week.
- Performance Rating – Rating given to employees (1-5).
- Salary ($) – Monthly salary of the employee.
- Bonus ($) – Additional performance-based bonus.
- Training Hours (Per Year) – Total training hours completed by the employee.
- Job Satisfaction Score – Employee satisfaction score (1-10).
- Leave Days Taken – Number of leave days taken in a year.
- Remote Work (%) – Percentage of time the employee works remotely.
- Promotion Status – Whether the employee was promoted this year (Yes/No).
DAX Code for Calculated Column:
DAXCopyEditSatisfaction Category =
'htdata'[Job Satisfaction Score] <= 3, "Low",
'htdata'[Job Satisfaction Score] <= 7, "Medium",