Categories: Power BI / Practice Datasets

To create a KPI visualization in Power BI where Actual Sales is compared to Sales Target, follow these steps:

Step 1: Load Data into Power BI

  1. Open Power BI Desktop.
  2. Click on Home > Get Data > Excel and import the dataset.
  3. Click Load to add the data to Power BI.

Step 2: Create a KPI Visual

  1. Go to the Report view.
  2. Click on KPI Visual from the Visualizations pane.
  3. Drag and drop:
    • Actual Sales → “Indicator” field.
    • Sales Target → “Target Goals” field.
    • Order Date → “Trend Axis” field (optional, for trend over time).

Step 3: Add Conditional Formatting (Red/Green Indicator)

  1. Click on the Format pane (paint roller icon).
  2. Go to Indicator → Enable Color Coding.
  3. Set Rules for Colors:
    • If Actual Sales ≥ Sales Target → Green (Success ✅).
    • If Actual Sales < Sales Target → Red (Alert ❌).

Alternative: Using Card Visual with Conditional Formatting

  1. Insert a Card Visual.
  2. Drag Actual Sales into the card.
  3. Click Format Pane > Data Label → Enable Conditional Formatting.
  4. Create a DAX Measure for color formatting: Sales Performance = IF(SUM('Table'[Actual Sales]) >= SUM('Table'[Sales Target]), "Green", "Red")
  5. Apply this measure to the Data Label Color in Conditional Formatting.

Final Output:

  • A KPI visual that shows sales performance.
  • Green indicator if Actual Sales Target.
  • Red indicator if Actual Sales < Target.