Key Insights from the Dataset:
- Contains 500 billionaires with attributes like rank, name, total net worth, last change, YTD change, country/region, and industry.
- Financial figures are formatted as strings with currency symbols.
Dataset is available here :
Here is Dashboard Screenshot

Dashboard Ideas:
1. Overview Dashboard
- KPI Cards:
- Total combined net worth of the top 500 billionaires.
- Average net worth.
- Largest gain/loss (daily and YTD).
- Number of billionaires by region.
- Bar Chart:
- Top 10 billionaires by net worth.
- Treemap:
- Billionaires categorized by industry.
2. Billionaire Net Worth Trends
- Line Chart:
- Net worth change over time for selected billionaires.
- Scatter Plot:
- Compare net worth vs. YTD change.
3. Regional Distribution
- Map Visualization:
- Number of billionaires per country.
- Total net worth by country.
- Bar Chart:
- Country-wise billionaire distribution.
4. Industry Analysis
- Stacked Bar Chart:
- Net worth breakdown by industry.
- Pie Chart:
- Percentage of billionaires in each industry.
5. Biggest Movers
- Table/Ranking Chart:
- Billionaires with the highest and lowest YTD change.
- Heatmap:
- Color-coded net worth change for the top 50 billionaires.