SQL Programming Course for Data Analysis and Software Development

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What will you learn in this SQL Tutorial?

  • Introduction to SQl and its Applications
  • Introduction to RDBMS and Tables
  • Installing MySql , MSSQL etc.
  • Creating a Database
  • Creating a Table and Inserting DataWriting Queries for
  • Select, Select Distinct
  • Where Clause
  • And, Or & Not
  • Order By Clause
  • Insert Into Statement
  • Null Values
  • Update Records in Table
  • Delete Records from Table
  • Select Top Statement
  • Min and Max Aggregate Functions
  • Count, Avg, Sum  Aggregate Functions
  • Like Operator with Where Clause
  • Wildcards in SQL for Pattern matching
  • Use of IN Keyword in where and having clause
  • Between Keyword in where clause
  • Aliases for renaming columns
  • Joins – Joining two or more tables to fetch data
  • Inner Join
  • Left Join
  • Right Join
  • Full Join
  • Self Join
  • Union and Union All for Joining two tables
  • Group By Statement for One and More Tables
  • Having Clause
  • Use Exists Keyword
  • Use of Any and All Operators in SQL
  • Select Into Statement
  • Insert Into Select Statement
  • Functions in MySQL and MSSQL
  • Datatypes in MySQL and MSSQL
  • Case Function
  • Null Functions
  • What are Stored Procedures and how to use them
  • How to write Comments in SQL
  • Create, Drop and Backup DB
  • Create, Drop and Alter Table
  • Null and Not Null Constraints
  • SQL Unique Constraints
  • Creating SQL Primary Key and PK Constraints
  • SQL Foreign Key Constraints
  • SQL Default Constraints
  • Creating SQL Index
  • Using SQL Auto Increment
  • Working with Dates in SQL
  • Creating SQL Views
  • SQL Injection
  • Connecting MySQL Databases with Python Pandas
  • Using MySQL workbench for accessing MySQL databases , creating tables , inserting , updating, selecting and deleting records.
  • Using SQL Server Management Studio for accessing MSSQL databases , creating tables , inserting , updating, selecting and deleting records.
  • Graphical Visualization of Data in Phpmyadmin (mysql) and Python Pandas Module (Basic Graphs).
  • Web Hosting of MySql and MSSQl Databases
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