  • Pivot tables are used to generate table of statistics  from a given table.
  • It is a table where we put some summary from a given table. In this summary we can put sums, averages, count or other statistics, which the pivot table groups together in a meaningful way.
  • Pivot tables are generally created by reshaping a table or transposition of a table.
  • Pivot tables are helpful in Data Analysis and Visualization and is commonly used for report generation.
  • In this chapter you will see transposition of data from multiple rows into columns of a single row. (MySql Example).

For example we will use the Northwind table in MySQL

Here is the sample code in MySQL

/*Query for Creating a Summary Table for Analysis of Month Wise freight for Different
years From Orders Table in Northwind Database.*/
-- select name, email, phone from users

SELECT year , SUM(CASE WHEN month = 1 THEN freight END) Jan_freight ,
SUM(CASE WHEN month = 2 THEN freight END) Feb_freight ,
SUM(CASE WHEN month = 3 THEN freight END) Mar_freight ,
SUM(CASE WHEN month = 4 THEN freight END) Apr_freight ,
SUM(CASE WHEN month = 5 THEN freight END) May_freight ,
SUM(CASE WHEN month = 6 THEN freight END) Jun_freight ,
SUM(CASE WHEN month = 7 THEN freight END) Jul_freight ,
SUM(CASE WHEN month = 8 THEN freight END) Aug_freight ,
SUM(CASE WHEN month = 9 THEN freight END) Sep_freight ,
SUM(CASE WHEN month = 10 THEN freight END) Oct_freight ,
SUM(CASE WHEN month = 11 THEN freight END) Nov_freight ,
SUM(CASE WHEN month = 12 THEN freight END) Dec_freight
FROM (SELECT orders.* , EXTRACT(YEAR FROM OrderDate) year ,
EXTRACT(MONTH FROM OrderDate) month FROM Orders ) Orders

— The EXTRACT() function extracts a part from a given date. Syntax.
— EXTRACT(part FROM date).

Sample Code for Python Pandas and MySQL Connection and Plotting Graph

year Jan_freight Feb_freight Mar_freight Apr_freight May_freight Jun_freight Jul_freight Aug_freight Sep_freight Oct_freight Nov_freight Dec_freight
0 1994 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 1288.18 1397.17 1123.48 1410.22 2262.23
1 1995 2798.59 1675.06 2165.37 1661.66 3166.25 3461.40 1852.65 2458.72 3078.27 3237.05 3934.70 2019.68
2 1996 3757.96 5395.28 4341.10 5379.02 6481.29 597.36 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
year Jan_freight Feb_freight Mar_freight Apr_freight May_freight Jun_freight Jul_freight Aug_freight Sep_freight Oct_freight Nov_freight Dec_freight
0 1994 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1288.18 1397.17 1123.48 1410.22 2262.23
1 1995 2798.59 1675.06 2165.37 1661.66 3166.25 3461.40 1852.65 2458.72 3078.27 3237.05 3934.70 2019.68
2 1996 3757.96 5395.28 4341.10 5379.02 6481.29 597.36 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Jan_freight Feb_freight Mar_freight Apr_freight May_freight Jun_freight Jul_freight Aug_freight Sep_freight Oct_freight Nov_freight Dec_freight
1994 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1288.18 1397.17 1123.48 1410.22 2262.23
1995 2798.59 1675.06 2165.37 1661.66 3166.25 3461.40 1852.65 2458.72 3078.27 3237.05 3934.70 2019.68
1996 3757.96 5395.28 4341.10 5379.02 6481.29 597.36 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x26a536c50f0>