
Dataset is given here : https://github.com/slidescope/production_working_hours

DAX codes used in the project:

Shortfall Hours = 
VAR Planned = 'production_working_hours'[PLANNED Hours]
VAR Worked = 'production_working_hours'[Worked Hours]
RETURN IF(Worked < Planned, Planned - Worked, 0)

Shortfall Amount = 
SUMX('production_working_hours', 'production_working_hours'[Shortfall Hours] * 'production_working_hours'[Hourly Rate])

Employee Details

  1. ID – A unique employee identifier (e.g., ST-001).
  2. Employee Name – The first name of the employee.
  3. Job Title – The role of the employee (e.g., Cameraman, Editor, etc.).
  4. City – The city where the employee is based (Toronto, Chicago, etc.).
  5. Gender – The gender of the employee (Male or Female).
  6. DIVISION – The department where the employee works (e.g., Photography, Film Production).

Work Duration & Rate

  1. Start Date – The start date of the work period (2020/01/01).
  2. End Date – The end date of the work period (2020/12/31).
  3. Hourly Rate – The amount the employee is paid per hour (e.g., $75).

Working Hours & Earnings

  1. PLANNED Hours – The total number of working hours assigned to the employee.
  2. Worked Hours – The actual number of hours the employee worked.
  3. Allocated Budget – The estimated budget for the employee’s work, calculated as:
  1. Amount Earned – The total amount the employee actually earned, calculated as:

Unworked & Overtime Details

  1. Unworked Hours – The difference between planned and worked hours (if worked hours are less).
  2. Unworked Amount – The earnings lost due to unworked hours, calculated as:
  1. Overtime Hours – Extra hours worked beyond planned hours.
  2. Overtime Amount – Extra earnings from overtime, calculated as:

This dataset helps analyze employee work performance, efficiency, overtime, and budget utilization in production-related roles.