
About the dataset:

This dataset is designed to analyze marketing campaign performance, sales effectiveness, and customer engagement in an educational services business. It helps in evaluating the impact of different marketing platforms, campaigns, and advisors on course registrations and revenue collection.

Dataset : https://github.com/slidescope/Courses-Marketing-and-Sales-Analysis-Project

Unicode icons to use in the project :
πŸ’° – (Money bag)
πŸ’΅ – (Dollar bills)
πŸ’΄ πŸ’Ά πŸ’· – (Yen, Euro, Pound notes)
πŸͺ™ – (Coin)
πŸ’³ – (Credit card)

Unicode Course & Learning Symbols
πŸ“š – (Books, education)
πŸŽ“ – (Graduation cap, learning)
πŸ“ – (Notebook, assignments)
πŸ’» – (Online learning)
πŸ“– – (Open book, reading)
🏫 – (School, institution)
πŸ§‘β€πŸ« – (Teacher, instructor)

Columns Description:

Column NameDescription
BillingMonthThe month and year for which the billing data is recorded (e.g., “Jan-2024”).
MarketingPlatformThe platform used for marketing the courses (e.g., Google Ads, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc.).
MarketingCampaignThe specific marketing campaign associated with the registrations (e.g., “Spring Sale”, “Black Friday”).
LocationCodeA unique code representing different geographic locations where the marketing campaign was run.
RegisteredCoursesThe course that a student registered for (e.g., “Data Science”, “Python Programming”).
LearningProgramsThe program level that the student enrolled in (Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced).
SkillLevelsThe skill proficiency level of the student at the time of enrollment (Basic, Intermediate, Advanced, Expert).
AverageCallTimeThe average duration (in minutes) of sales or support calls related to the course registration.
PaymentStatusThe payment status of the course enrollment (Paid, Pending, Failed).
FeesCollectedThe amount of fees collected from the student for the course (in USD).
SalesGroupThe sales team responsible for handling the student’s enrollment (Team A, Team B, etc.).
AdvisorThe name of the sales advisor or representative who assisted the student during the enrollment process.

Potential Uses of This Dataset:

  • Marketing Performance Analysis: Identify which marketing platforms and campaigns generate the highest enrollments and revenue.
  • Sales Effectiveness: Measure the effectiveness of different sales groups and advisors in converting leads into paid enrollments.
  • Payment & Revenue Insights: Analyze trends in payment statuses and fees collected over time.
  • Call Time Optimization: Understand the relationship between call duration and successful conversions.
  • Location-based Marketing Strategy: Optimize marketing efforts based on location-wise performance.