Categories: Data Analytics

This data appears to represent historical stock market information for a stock (in this case, Apple Inc., symbol “AAPL”) traded on the NASDAQ exchange (“XNAS”). Each column provides specific details for a particular trading day:

  1. Column1.adj_high: The adjusted high price of the stock during the trading day (highest price recorded after accounting for corporate actions like stock splits or dividends). Here, it’s 244.54.
  2. Column1.adj_low: The adjusted low price of the stock during the trading day (lowest price recorded, also adjusted). Here, it’s 242.13.
  3. Column1.adj_close: The adjusted closing price of the stock (the final price after market adjustments at the end of the trading day). Here, it’s 243.04.
  4. Column1.adj_open: The adjusted opening price of the stock (price at the beginning of the trading day, adjusted). Here, it’s 243.99.
  5. Column1.adj_volume: The adjusted trading volume (number of shares traded during the day, adjusted for stock splits or other factors). Here, it’s 40,033,878 shares.
  6. Column1.split_factor: Indicates if there was a stock split on this day. A value of 1 means no split occurred.
  7. Column1.dividend: The dividend payment per share for that day. A value of 0 means no dividend was issued.
  8. Column1.symbol: The ticker symbol for the stock. Here, it’s AAPL (Apple Inc.).
  9. The stock exchange where the stock is traded. Here, it’s XNAS, representing NASDAQ.

This row is a snapshot of a single trading day’s adjusted stock performance for Apple Inc.

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