The Bank Marketing Dataset is a well-known dataset from the UCI Machine Learning Repository. It is used for predicting whether a customer will subscribe to a term deposit based on various features. The dataset is related to a direct marketing campaign conducted by a Portuguese banking institution.
Key Information:
- Data Source: UCI Machine Learning Repository (often referred to as “UCI”).
- Features: The dataset contains both numerical and categorical features such as:
- Age
- Job type (e.g., admin, technician, etc.)
- Marital status
- Education level
- Default status (whether the client has credit in default)
- Balance
- Housing loan status
- Personal loan status
- Contact communication type (e.g., cellular, telephone)
- Last contact duration
- Campaign-related features (e.g., number of contacts performed during the campaign)
- Outcome of the previous campaign
- Other demographic and campaign attributes.
- Target variable: The dataset’s target variable is whether the client subscribes to the term deposit (“yes” or “no”).
It is typically used for classification tasks, where the goal is to predict whether a client will subscribe to a term deposit based on the given features.
You can find more details and the dataset itself on the UCI repository page.